
We work closely with top global merchants to source and curate the most unique products at the best prices for you. Our team travels the world, meeting trusted suppliers to bring together a collection of fun and trending items. This way, you can enjoy a diverse range of products without the hassle of driving to retail shops or searching countless websites. Think of us as your one-stop destination for popular products, delivered right to your doorstep. Your order may ship from locations like China, Tibet, India, or Vietnam via our partnership with USPS, ensuring you receive the best the world has to offer.


You will get an Order Confirmation email after placing your purchase, which will confirm your Order # and other purchase information. By midnight on the same day that you placed your order, you can cancel it or update your shipping details. Your order will be processed for stocking, packaging, and shipping after 6 hours, which typically takes 1 – 3 business days.

We will send you a Shipping Update email with your tracking number as soon as your order ships. Click on the linked link to track your package. For the first couple of days, after you receive your Shipping Update email, tracking information might not be accessible. The time between package scans may be several days. We can tell you that this is typical and will not affect your delivery as planned.


Orders from the US: Delivery date and time are approximately 7 – 10 business days from the shipping date (depending on how strict the Customs in your State are).

What is your cancellation policy?
You have 6 hours of the same day to cancel your order and receive a refund after your purchase. If you try to cancel your order after you received a Shipping Confirmation email, we will not be able to issue a refund as the item has already been packaged and shipped out to you.
Please check refund amount here: Returns Policy.
What is the return policy?
If your product is damaged or defected, please kindly email us with the subject line “Return: Damage or Defected item with your order #” along with a photograph so we can immediately look into sending you a new one.
The return policy will only apply to damaged items or products that have any manufacturing problems. We will not make any refunds or changes once the product has been successfully delivered in normal condition.
See more about our return policy here: Returns Policy.
We do not refund shipping cost. Return shipping is to be paid by the Buyer.